Starting a Home Business for Dummies

Starting a Home Business for Dummies
Home-based businesses
John Wiley & Sons
Peter Economy, Paul Edwards, Sarah A. Edwards


How would you like to work for yourself in your own home? Sounds good right? The commute would be a breeze. Starting a small business from home can mean minimum fuss andminimum start-up costs - so it?s no wonder that around 60% ofnew businesses are started from home. Whether you?re lookingto go freelance, start a home-business full-time or a new ventureon the side of your existing job, you need Starting a HomeBusiness For Dummies. It includes tons of ideas for homebusinesses and gives you all the straight-talking advice you needto get up and running. Inside you?ll find: ? Ideas for businesses that you can start easily fromhome ? Step-by-step guidance for getting your business offthe ground ? The low-down on managing your money and taxes ? Tips for making technology and the web work foryou ? Advice on how to attract and keepcustomers/clients

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