A representative and authoritative 'state of the art' account of human development from conception to adolescence. Written at an easy-to-comprehend level by an international team of respected researchers, conveying their knowledge with enthusiasm and skill. Full supporting materials - chapter overviews, discussion questions, suggestions for further reading, and glossary. Chapters covering applied issues in developmental psychology
An Introduction to Developmental Psychology, 3rd Edition
Ainsworth, M. D., Bell, S. M., & Stayton, D. J. (1974). Infant mother attachment and social development: 'socialization' as a product of reciprocal responsiveness to signals. In M. P. M. Richards (ed.), The Integration of a Child into a ...
Development is as much a process of acquiring culture as it is of biological growth. This book reviews the history of developmental psychology with respect to both its nature and the effects of transmission of culture.
Coverage of some key theories such as 'dynamic systems theory' and 'evolutionary psychology'. Ideal for students taking a first course in child or lifespan development, the book assumes little or no background in the subject.
Grossman, K., Grossman, K. E., & Kindler, H. (2005). Early care and the roots of attachment and partnership representations: the ... In K. E. Grossman, K. Grossman & E. Waters ... In W. Damon (Gen. Ed.), D. Kuhn & R. Siegler (Vol.
Development is as much a process of acquiring culture as it is of biological growth.; This book reviews the history of developmental psychology with respect to both its nature and the effects of transmission of culture.
Developmental Psychology: An Introduction
eltzoff and Moore's (1977) article is the most frequently cited paper in the whole of infancy research, with over 750 citations at the time of writing (August 2011). Its impact has been, and continues to be, far reaching, ...
Child Development, an Introduction
The Child, an Introduction to Developmental Psychology