Introductory Transport Phenomena by R. Byron Bird, Warren E. Stewart, Edwin N. Lightfoot, and Daniel Klingenberg is a new introductory textbook based on the classic Bird, Stewart, Lightfoot text, Transport Phenomena. The authors’ goal in writing this book reflects topics covered in an undergraduate course. Some of the rigorous topics suitable for the advanced students have been retained. The text covers topics such as: the transport of momentum; the transport of energy and the transport of chemical species. The organization of the material is similar to Bird/Stewart/Lightfoot, but presentation has been thoughtfully revised specifically for undergraduate students encountering these concepts for the first time. Devoting more space to mathematical derivations and providing fuller explanations of mathematical developments—including a section of the appendix devoted to mathematical topics—allows students to comprehend transport phenomena concepts at an undergraduate level.
This introductory text discusses the essential concepts of three funda-mental transport processes, namely, momentum transfer, heat transfer, and mass transfer.
6 I. F. Macdonald, M. S. El-Sayed, K. Mow, and F. A. Dullien, Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam., 18, 199–208 (1979). 7 J. A. Tallmadge, AIChE Journal, 16, 1092–1093 (1970). Chapter 6 Interphase Transport in Isothermal Systems Burke and Plummer.
Introductory Transport Phenomena Wiley E-Text Card
Introductory Transport Phenomena Wiley E-Text Student Package
Enables readers to apply transport phenomena principles to solve advanced problems in all areas of engineering and science This book helps readers elevate their understanding of, and their ability to apply, transport phenomena by ...
Fluid Mechanics and Convective Transport Processes L. Gary Leal ... G. M. Homsy, H. Aref, K. S. Breuer, S. Hochgreb, J. R. Koseff, B. R. Munson, K. G. Powell, C. R. Robertson, and S. T. Thoroddsen, "Multi-Media Fluid Mechanics," CD-ROM, ...
This invaluable text, provides a much-needed overview of both the theoretical development, as well as appropriate numerical solutions, for all aspects of transport phenomena. It contains a basic introduction to...
This book presents the basic theory and experimental techniques of transport phenomena in materials processing operations.
Van Dyke, M. “An Album of Fluid Motion,” pp 20, 28, Parabolic Press, Stanford, CA (1982); original photos Taneda, S. “Experimental Investigation of the Wakes Behind ... Churchill, S.W. and M. Bernstein, “A Correlating Equation for.
Part II covers applications in greater detail. The three transport phenomena--heat, mass, and momentum transfer--are treated in depth through simultaneous (or parallel) developments.