Research Methods in Intercultural Communication introduces and contextualizes the most important methodological issues in the field for upper–level undergraduate and graduate students. Examples of these issues are which paradigms and how to research multilingually, interculturally and ethnically. Provides the first dedicated and most comprehensive volume on research methods in intercultural communication research in the last 30 years Explains new and emerging methods, as well as more established ones. These include: Matched Guise Technique, Discourse Completion Task, Critical Incident Technique, Critical Discourse Analysis, Ethnography, Virtual Ethnography, Corpus Analysis, Multimodality, Conversation Analysis, Narrative Analysis, Questionnaire and Interview. Assists readers in determining the most suitable method for various research questions, conceptualizing the research process, interpreting results, and drawing conclusions Supports students from start to finish with key terms, suggestions for further reading, research summaries, and sound guidance from experienced scholars and researchers
The methodology behind intercultural communication research has been largely neglected by scholars of intercultural communication. The aim of this volume is to advance the study of intercultural communication and move...
The aim of this volume is to advance the study of intercultural communication and move away from the current abstract stage of development.
The book purports to mediate between various culturally determined profiles of the discipline of Communication Studies.
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) (limited access is free at 6. ... You can find a lot of interesting stuff online using a general search engine, including some worthwhile communication research resources.
Highlighting values, ethnicity, physical geography, and attitudes, the book examines means of interaction, including body language, eye contact, and exchange of words, as well as the stages of relationships, cross-cultural management, ...
This volume focuses on advances in research methodology in an interdisciplinary field framed by discourses of identity and interculturality.
In the pioneering phase, cross-cultural research was done by researchers who devoted their careers to the study of cross-cultural similarities and differences. In the current phase, cross-cultural research has gained momentum.
The Index, Reader’s Guide themes, and Cross-References combine to provide robust search-and-browse in the e-version.
Bringing together current research, theories and methods from leading scholars in the field, this volume is a state-of-the-art study of intercultural communication competence and effectiveness.
A critical reflection on an intercultural communication workshop: Mexicans and Taiwanese working on the US-Mexico border. ... E. Glaser, & M. del Carmen Méndez Garcia (Eds.), The intercultural dynamics of multicultural working (pp.