The go-to reference for aspiring pianists and keyboardplayers Piano & Keyboard All-in-One For Dummies makes iteasier and more fun than ever to make music! If you don't know howto read music, this book explains in friendly, uncomplicatedlanguage all the basics of music theory, and applies it to playingthe piano and keyboard. And if you've been playing forawhile—or took lessons when you were a child but haven'tplayed since—you can pick up some valuable tips to improveyour playing, or use the book as a refresher course. This indispensible resource combines the best of ForDummies books, including Piano For Dummies, Keyboard ForDummies, Music Theory For Dummies, and Piano Exercises ForDummies to get you up and running in no time. The handyreference helps you to master the traditional black-and-white keysand gives you an understanding of the possibilities that unfoldwhen those black-and-whites are connected to state-of-the-art musictechnology. Discover the secrets for becoming a master on the piano andkeyboard Improve your skills with a wealth of easy-to-apply pianoexercises Tap into your creativity and get the lowdown on composing anoriginal song Find out how to use keyboards anywhere using external speakers,amps, home stereos, computers, and tablets Dive right in! This comprehensive book offers the most completelearning experience for aspiring pianists, keyboard enthusiasts,and students of music.
The three notes you use for this pattern are the root, fifth, and top (octave) notes of the appropriate scale. (See Book 3 Chapter 2 for more on roots and scales.) Using the C major scale, for example, the notes are C, G, ...
When an interval is called major, it corresponds to the notes from the major scale of the lower, or root, tone. When it's called minor, it's lowered by a half step from the major interval. The term flat or flatted is also used to mean ...
Warm up away from the piano — release tension in your hands, wrists, and arms and go to the piano feeling loose and comfortable Wake up those fingers — perfect your hand position and develop left and right hand finger independence ...
P.S. If you think this book seems familiar, you’re probably right. The Dummies team updated the cover and design to give the book a fresh feel, but the content is the same as the previous release of Piano For Dummies (9781118900055).
Tune in to how music really works Whether you’re a student, a performer, or simply a fan, this book makes music theory easy, providing you with a friendly guide to the concepts, artistry, and technical mastery that underlie the production ...
The long-awaited update to the bestselling Piano For Dummies-featuring a new audio CD Have you always wanted to play piano? This revised edition of the popular Piano for Dummies makes it easier and more fun than ever.
Figure 6-6 is I-VI7-II7-V7 in C. The A7 chord belongs to the key of D, and D7 belongs to the key of G. Use D major patterns ... you can stay in one scale and avoid any troublesome notes — refer to the “Aura Lee” example in Figure 6-9.
Hits include: Across the Universe * Can't Buy Me Love * The Fool on the Hill * Good Day Sunshine * Hey Jude * I Saw Her Standing There * If I Fell * Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da * She's Leaving Home * We Can Work It Out * You've Got to Hide Your Love ...
(Easy Piano Songbook). Want to learn to play easy popular hits? Then this is the book for you! It's an easy-to-use resource for the casual hobbyist or working musician.
Want to learn the most popular piano music of the past 300 years? Then you are holding the right book.