An easy-to-understand overview of the key concepts ofpsychological testing Fully updated and revised, the second edition of Essentialsof Psychological Testing surveys the basic principles ofpsychometrics, succinctly presents the information needed tounderstand and evaluate tests, and introduces readers to the majorcontemporary reference works in the field. This engaging, practical overview of the most relevantpsychometric concepts and techniques provides the foundationnecessary for advanced study in the field of psychologicalassessment. Each clear, well-organized chapter includes newexamples and references, featuring callout boxes highlighting keyconcepts, bulleted points, and extensive illustrative material, aswell as “Test Yourself” questions that help gauge andreinforce readers’ grasp of the information covered. Theauthor’s extensive experience and deep understanding of theconcepts presented are evident throughout the book, particularlywhen readers are reminded that tests are tools and that, like alltools, they have limitations. Starting with a basic introduction to psychological tests, theirhistorical development, and their uses, the book also covers thestatistical procedures most frequently used in testing, the framesof reference for score interpretation, reliability, validity andtest item considerations, as well as the latest guidelines for testselection, administration, scoring and reporting test results.Whether as an orientation for those new to the field, a refresherfor those already acquainted with it, or as reference for seasonedclinicians, this book is an invaluable resource. SUSANA URBINA, PHD, is Professor Emeritus of Psychologyat the University of North Florida, where she taught courses inpsychological testing and assessment. A Diplomate of the AmericanBoard of Assessment Psychology and a licensed psychologist, Dr.Urbina practiced in the field of psychological assessment for overa decade. She coauthored the seventh edition of PsychologicalTesting with Anne Anastasi and has published numerous articlesand reviews in the area of psychological testing.
Schopp, L., Johnstone, B., & Merrell, D. (2000). Telehealth and neuropsychological assessment: New opportunities for psychologists. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 31(2), 179–183. Schrank, F. A., Mather, N., & McGrew, ...
An invaluable resource for practitioners, this book: Offers practical advice on supervising a wide range of clinical psychological assessments Includes contributions from experts in their respective subfields Provides guidance on ...
Haley, R. W., Kurt, T. L., & Hom, J. (1997). Is there a Gulf War syndrome? Searching for syndromes by factor analysis of ... Moran, P. W., & Lambert, M.J. (1983). A review of current assessment tools for monitoring change in depression.
... R. K., 142, 457, 458 Hellervik, L. V., 432 (figure) Hellstrom, A., 471 Helmstadter, G. C., 250 (box) Heneman, H. G., III, 417 Heneman, R. L., 417 Henley, T. B., 12 (box), 13 Herrick, V. E., 45 Herrmann, D. J., 257 (box) Herrnstein, ...
Reading and writing acquisition: A developmental neuropsychological perspective. ... Brain literacy for educators and psychologists. ... Enhancing SLD diagnoses through the identification of psychological processing deficits.
ILLUSTRATIVE CASE REPORT : LESLIE J .; AGE 3 YEARS , 2 MONTHS Tests Administered and Scores ( 90 % confidence ... 2 y . , 2 m . 2 y . , 3 m . 2 y . , 0 m . 2 y . , 4 m . 2 y . , 5 m . 80 +9 9 75 +13 5 85 +8 16 Articulation Home Behavior ...
Like all the volumes in the Essentials of PsychologicalAssessment series, this book is designed to help busy mental healthprofessionals quickly acquire the knowledge and skills they need tomake optimal use of a major psychological ...
New York, NY: W. W. Norton. Packer, L. E., & Pruitt, S. K. (2010). Challenging kids, challenged teachers. Woodbine House. Pearson (2009). Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-Third Edition (WlAT-lll). San Antonio, TX: Pearson.
This report critically reviews selected psychological tests, including symptom validity tests, that could contribute to SSA disability determinations.
Even while slavery existed, Americans debated the subject. Was it a profitable and healthy institution? If so, for whom? The abolition of slavery in 1865 did not end this debate....