GED Test For Dummies, Quick Prep

GED Test For Dummies, Quick Prep
Study Aids
John Wiley & Sons
Murray Shukyn, Dale E. Shuttleworth, Achim K. Krull


Solid test prep is the key to passing the GED Want to take the GED test but don’t know if you’re ready? This is the perfect resource for you! Get the basics to gauge how far you’ve progressed in your test preparation and review practice questions to hone your skills further. This great hands-on study guide will also help you become familiar with the ins and outs of the test format to make sure there are no surprises on the day of your GED test! This complete guide provides test-prep instruction and information on the question types that apply to the 2014 GED test, and provides a quick check-up to test your preparedness. Practice is the best way to avoid surprises on test day, and GED Test for Dummies, Quick Prep Edition offers you multiple avenues to confirm your readiness. The book features a number of important study tools, including: A quick introduction to the test, plus navigation tips that help you stay focused A full-length practice test with answers that lets you know exactly what to expect Quick confirmation of strengths and weaknesses, so you can better use your study time After passing the GED exam, you’re more likely to continue your education, and more likely to become financially secure. You’re already doing something great by preparing for the test, and the GED Test for Dummies, Quick Prep Edition can help ensure the positive outcome you deserve.

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