A first-hand account of Ronald Reagan's leadership style, with personal insight and practical application. Lead Like Reagan is a guide to more effective leadership, inspired by the Great Communicator himself. Drawing upon his time serving Ronald Reagan, author Dan Quiggle relates lessons learned first-hand from his front row seat to history. Using Reagan and other prominent business leaders as examples, Quiggle illustrates what leadership looks like at the highest levels, why such leadership is effective, and how it can be successfully emulated. Readers will learn strategies to motivate, communicate, and inspire, forming a unique leadership template with personal application. Sitting at the feet of greatness and personally observing what Ronald Reagan did and said, made an indelible mark on Dan's own personal leadership style, shaping his thoughts about the key traits and actions of great leaders. In Lead Like Reagan, readers gain insight into both the personal attributes and leadership traits which are required to lead with vision, excellence, and impact. Practical advice and inspiring vision provide a template to: Assemble the right people to form a successful team Earn loyalty and commitment from others Lead by example to model excellence Manage crises by finding the opportunity in the midst of challenge Leave a lasting legacy of optimism and inspiration Leadership is a process of continual growth and Ronald Reagan provides an inspiring example. Lead Like Reagan is a meaningful and memorable guide to leadership, forging a framework for inspiring greatness and achieving success.
Lead Like Reagan: Principles of Dynamic Leadership
The outpouring of grief and heartfelt tributes following Ronald Reagan’s death demonstrated the love and admiration people still have for our nation’s 40th president. Now, in this affectionate memoir, Reagan’s...
The only sign that he was conscious of having said anything unorthodox came after the press conference, as he walked back to the White House with national security adviser Richard Allen following behind him. Reagan beckoned to him, ...
Draws parallels between Ronald Reagan and Winston Churchill, assessing their individual contributions to their eras and discussing their political agendas, talent as communicators, and accomplishments in the world of statesmanship.
But Brown, encouraged by State Finance Director Hale Champion, overruled Bradley and authorized political in-fighters Dick Kline and Harry Lerner to discredit Christopher. They, in turn, hired Dick Hyer, a former San Francisco ...
This remarkable book, updated for the 21st century, with a new foreword by Tom Peters, gives you the keys to the leadership practices of one of the most consequential leaders of our time.
Ronald Reagan’s autobiography is a work of major historical importance. Here, in his own words, is the story of his life—public and private—told in a book both frank and compellingly readable.
. . . His recollections are a valuable part of the real history of the Reagan revolution." —Michael Deaver "This is not a book about what I did for Ronald Reagan, but about what he did for the world. . .
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" But now, as James Rosebush tells Reagan's story from first-hand experience in TRUE REAGAN, we come closer to understanding the heart of this great American.