Contracts and Deals in Islamic Finance: A Users Guide to Cash Flows, Balance Sheets, and Capital Structures

Contracts and Deals in Islamic Finance: A Users Guide to Cash Flows, Balance Sheets, and Capital Structures
Business & Economics
John Wiley & Sons
Hussein Kureshi, Mohsin Hayat


A very accessible and concise guide to Islamic finance Contracts and Deals in Islamic Finance provides a clearbreakdown of Islamic financial contracts and deal structures forbeginners. The embedded requirements within selected Islamicfinancial contracts, such as risk weightage, capital structures,creations of cash flows, and balance sheets, are explained fully toprovide a solid understanding of the backbone of the industry.Aimed primarily at beginners and those with a background inconventional banking, this book guides readers through the majorcontracts, how they're applied, and how to discern a contract'slegitimacy. Case studies and interviews with bankers and globalregulators provide real-life examples of contract application, andthe author's own experiences provide deep insight into the everydayissues that arise. Ancillary instructor's materials includePowerPoint slides and lecture notes that facilitate use in theclassroom. Literature describing the application of Islamic financialcontracts is few and far between, and those providing a basicbreakdown of these contracts and questioning their validity arerarer still. This book is the first of its kind, offering a basicapproach to understanding Islamic contracts, designed for the truebeginner. Understand the current contracts applied in Islamicbanking Learn how contracts are applied across differentjurisdictions Identify illegitimate contracts and those not in the spirit ofShariah law Examine the current economic realities surrounding Islamicfinance By highlighting the underlying themes in Islamic finance andassessing the current practices, this book gives readers the solidunderstanding and up-to-date perspective that form a solidfoundation upon which successful Islamic finance is practiced. Fora solid introduction to the Islamic finance industry, Contracts andDeals in Islamic Finance is an accessible, practical guide.

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