Hopkins' Nonprofit Law Dictionary

Hopkins' Nonprofit Law Dictionary
John Wiley & Sons
Bruce R. Hopkins


A focused, invaluable guide to nonprofit legal terminology anddefinitions The Bruce R. Hopkins Nonprofit Law Dictionary is athorough professional reference for the terminology and definitionssurrounding the law of tax-exempt organizations. Author Bruce R.Hopkins, the country's leading expert in nonprofit law, draws upon45 years of practice to deliver a true dictionary reference forattorneys specializing in nonprofit law and tax law. The book'sterminology and definitions are derived from constantly changingstatutes, government agency regulations and rulings, courtopinions, and government forms and instructions, with citationsprovided where appropriate. Modeled after a conventionaldictionary, this book offers quick navigation to the information ofinterest, and points you toward the other Hopkins guides thatprovide more in-depth information should you require it. The devil is in the details, and nowhere is that statement truerthan in the legal profession. Incorrect interpretation of a singlephrase can cause consequences for both client and attorney, andverbiage may be intentionally vague with unexpectedly broad ornarrow definitions. This guide gives you the most commonly acceptedinterpretations of terminology related specifically to nonprofitlaw, so you can feel confident in the quality of service youprovide to your clients. Stay up to date on the latest in nonprofit law Confirm the accepted definitions of legal terms andphrases Learn where to turn for deeper guidance on specific topics Gain expert insight into obscure and complex definitions Stop spending time wading through textbooks and case law, onlyto wonder whether or not the information you eventually foundapplies to nonprofit law in the same way. Focused specifically onthe law as it applies to the nonprofit sector, the Bruce R.Hopkins Nonprofit Law Dictionary is an indispensable referencethat gives you the information you need quickly and easily.

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