The Foremost Authorities on Student Affairs Address Issues Facing The Field Today The Handbook of Student Affairs Administration is a comprehensive and thoughtful resource for the field, with expert insight on the issues facing student affairs. This fourth edition has been fully updated to reflect the most current and effective practices in student affairs administration. New chapters address persistence, retention, and completion; teaching and learning; working with athletics and recreation; leadership; purpose and civic engagement; spirituality; and fundraising. Emerging populations are discussed throughout, featuring specific advice for working with veterans and dual-enrolling high school students. New material includes the role of student affairs in study abroad programs, student use of technology and using social media to serve students, working with student athletes, and more. Professionals at all levels of student affairs administration need practical, timely, and applied information on the myriad issues that fall under the student affairs umbrella. This NASPA-sponsored guide collects the latest information, methods, and advice from the field's leading authorities to bring you up to date on the latest solutions and best practices. Learn about the dominant organization and administration models in student affairs Stay up to date on core competencies and professional development models Examine the latest literature, and consider both the newest and lasting issues facing student affairs Instructor resources available As both the student population and the college experience grow more diverse, student affairs professionals need to update their toolset to face the broader scope of the field and the new challenges that arise every day. The Handbook of Student Affairs Administration provides invaluable guidance to graduate students and professionals alike, and is the one resource you should not be without.
This is one handbook students and professionals in the field won’t want to go without.
... S. K., 159 Webb, L., 356 Weber, M., 444 Webster, A., 25 Wei, C. C., 94, 95 Weifang, M., 226 Weis, L., 246 Weitz, ... E. G., 11 Wilmot, W. W., 464 Wilson, M. E., 209 Wilson, R., 231 Wilson, V. C., 409 Winston, R. B., 148, 151, 178, ...
Sponsored by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators What issues and trends affect higher education and student affairs today? What skills and competencies will student affairs administrators need to...
In addressing the unique issues related to the delivery of student services in the community college setting, this book fills a longstanding need to provide practitioners with a contextual framework for their work.
This volume challenges the widely held assumption that the professional practice of student affairs administration transcends the influence of organizational culture.
Rather, it is a comprehensive process where both the new professional and organization learn about and from each other in ways that influence working relationships and individual and organizational outcomes.Part I of this book defines the ...
It provides a meaningful framework to critically consider and shape the vision and mission of successful higher education models. This book is a must-have for both the student affairs theorist and the practitioner.
Student affairs administrators will find the fourteen chapters in this book very helpful in furthering their understanding of the major functions in the field.
In this comprehensive guide, seasoned student affairs leaders and new professionals share practical advice and offer broad perspectives on: * Managing the first job search and networking professionally * Seeking opportunities for career ...
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Kolb, D. A. (1985). The Learning Style Inventory. Boston: McBer. Kolb, D. A. (1993). LSI-IIA Learning Style Inventory. Boston: McBer. Kolb, D. A. (1999). Learning Style Inventory—Version 3.