CompTIA A+ Complete Study Guide: Exams 220-901 and 220-902

CompTIA A+ Complete Study Guide: Exams 220-901 and 220-902
CompTIA A+ Complete Study Guide
John Wiley & Sons
Toby Skandier, Quentin Docter, Emmett Dulaney


NOTE: The exam this book covered, CompTIA A+ (Exams 220-901 and 220-902), was retired by CompTIA in 2019 and is no longer offered. For coverage of the current exam CompTIA A+: Exams 220-1001 and 220-1002, please look for the latest edition of this guide: CompTIA A+ Complete Study Guide: Exams 220-1001 and 220-1002 4e (9781119515937). The CompTIA A+ Complete Study Guide is your complete solution for A+ exam preparation. Covering 100% of Exam 220-901 and Exam 220-902 objectives, this book gives you everything you need to ensure that you not only understand the basics of IT, but that you can demonstrate your understanding effectively. Now in its third edition, this guide has been updated to reflect the exam's new focus. Coverage includes the latest best practices, Windows 8/8.1 and mobile OSes, and an emphasis on the practical skills required on the job. Clear and concise, this book helps you solidify your understanding of crucial hardware and operating system maintenance and troubleshooting topics covered on the exam. You also gain access to the Sybex exclusive online interactive learning environment and test bank, featuring bonus practice exams, electronic flashcards, and a searchable PDF glossary of the most important terms you need to understand. The CompTIA A+ certification is the essential computer technician credential, and is required by over 100 leading employers. This book helps you prepare and practice so you can approach the exam with confidence, and pass with flying colors. Review the components of personal computers, laptops, and portable devices Understand operating systems, networks, and security Get up to speed on safety and environmental issues Practice effective communication and the "soft skills" of professionalism More than just a review of computer parts, this book covers everything you'll see on the exam. Why go in unprepared when you can have the Sybex advantage?

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