Comprehensively captures the robust history of the state of Missouri, from the pre-Columbian period to the present Combining a chronological overview with topical development, this book by a team of esteemed historians presents the rich and varied history of Missouri, a state that has played a pivotal role in the history of the nation. In a clear, engaging style that all students of Missouri history are certain to enjoy, the authors of Missouri: The Heart of the Nation explore such topics as Missouri’s indigenous population, French and Spanish colonialism, territorial growth, statehood, slavery, the Civil War and Reconstruction, railroads, modernization, two world wars, constitutional change, Civil Rights, political realignments, and the difficult choices that Missourians face in the 21st century. Featuring chapter revisions as well as new maps, photographs, reading lists, a preface, and index, this latest edition of this beloved survey textbook will continue to engage all those celebrating Missouri’s bicentennial. A companion website features a student study guide. Published to commemorate the bicentennial of Missouri statehood in 2021 Features fully updated chapters that bring the historical narrative up to the present Presents numerous images and maps that enrich the coverage of key events Provides suggestions for further reading Missouri: The Heart of the Nation is an excellent book for colleges and universities offering survey courses on state history or state government. It also will appeal to all lovers of American history and to those who call Missouri home.
... wet ground boiler { boi ' luhr } —a tank for making steam to heat buildings and to run engines Bolduc { bol duk ' } — a French family that lived in early Ste . Genevieve bonds { bahndz } —certificates sold promising to pay the owner ...
Journal and Proceedings of the Missouri State Convention Held at Jefferson City and St. Louis March 1861-[June 1863].
Drawing on original research in primary sources, this comprehensive study covers such topics as the Constitution of 1875, the impact of railroad expansion, the 1904 World's Fair, the Populist and...
County sheriff Lewis Holcomb ; p.o. 1882 - now . 2. A popular place - name , usually derogatory but sometimes selfdepreciating , indicating an out - of - the - way location so sparsely populated that opossums established unmolested ...
Until 1845, Missouri was the westernmost state and a starting point for pioneers heading farther west.