Effective, sustainable cultural change requires evolution, not disruption The Corporate Culture Survival Guide is the essential primer and practical guide every organization needs. Corporate culture pioneer Edgar H. Schein breaks the concept of 'culture' down into real terms, delving into the behaviors, values, and shared assumptions that define it, and explains why culture is the central factor in an organization's success—or failure. This new third edition is designed specifically for practitioners needing to apply these practices in real-world settings, and has been updated with new coverage of globalization, technology, and managerial competencies. You'll learn how to get past subconscious bias to assess whether or not your existing culture truly serves your organization, and how to introduce change and manage the change process over time for a best-case-scenario outcome. Case studies illustrate successful change in real companies, providing models and setting the bar for dismantling dysfunctional cultures. Corporate culture begins with the founder, and evolves—or not—over time. Is your culture working for or against your organization? How can it be optimized? This book separates the truth from the nonsense to provide real-world guidance on initiating and managing cultural change. Understand when to assess your culture, and how to do it objectively Learn how cultures evolve and change over time, for better or worse Discover the reality of multiculturalism amidst the rise of globalization Evolve your culture to more effectively serve your organization Each of us is a part of many cultures—what you do, where you live, where you grew up, what you enjoy, how you live; in the workplace, many different people with many different cultures come together toward a common goal—will these cultures clash or synergize? The Corporate Culture Survival Guide shows you how to create an overarching corporate culture that gets everyone on the same page to drive your organization's success.
Regarded as one of the most influential management books of all time, this fourth edition of Leadership and Organizational Culture transforms the abstract concept of culture into a tool that can be used to better shape the dynamics of ...
In this book, Flamholtz and Randle define culture, identifying and explaining the five key dimensions that determine it: a customer orientation; a people orientation; a process orientation; strong standards of performance and accountability ...
In Corporate Survival Guide for Your Twenties, Kayla Buell helps you prepare for the challenges and opportunities you’ll encounter as you leave college life behind and enter the work force.
Always practical, the book will quickly improve the savvy of workers who are new to office life, making a successful career easier to achieve.Learn how to assess a job's suitability, how to handle many situations, and how to leave on your ...
Ed Schein defines Humble Inquiry as “the fine art of drawing someone out, of asking questions to which you do not know the answer, of building a relationship based on curiosity and interest in the other person.” In this seminal work, ...
And that’s where this book comes into play. Inspired by my comedy tours across the Midwest and life growing up in Wisconsin, this book is an exploration into my favorite region on Earth.
The E-learning Question and Answer Book: A Survival Guide for Trainers and Business Managers
Peter Kaufmann had been running manufacturing since arriving from Beckman Instruments in 1966. Manufacturing plants were divided into three groups. Bill Hanson, who had worked for Kaufmann at Beckman and joined DEC in 1967, ...
From one of the true giants in organizational development, career development and organizational psychology comes a simple and effective technique for building more positive relationships--particularly between people of different status- ...
Schein draws deeply on his own decades of experience, offering over two dozen case studies that illuminate each stage of this humble consulting process.