The Handbook of Translation and Cognition is a pioneering, state-of-the-art investigation of cognitive approaches to translation and interpreting studies (TIS). Offers timely and cutting-edge coverage of the most important theoretical frameworks and methodological innovations Contains original contributions from a global group of leading researchers from 18 countries Explores topics related to translator and workplace characteristics including machine translation, creativity, ergonomic perspectives, and cognitive effort, and competence, training, and interpreting such as multimodal processing, neurocognitive optimization, process-oriented pedagogies, and conceptual change Maps out future directions for cognition and translation studies, as well as areas in need of more research within this dynamic field
Working with a similar phenomenon to Kwakiutl for omitting generalized categories in Hopi, Whorf first describes the ... Avoiding this shortcoming, Lee reformulates this as the Whorf Theory Complex (1996), yet this is perhaps even more ...
Justifications are more frequently given in footnotes or prefaces if the translator opted for a decision which is not in line with the expectations, i.e., if they worked against the dominant norms and showed some kind of deviant ...
Up to now, the Handbook of Translation Studies (HTS) consisted of four volumes, all published between 2010 and 2013. Since research in TS continues to grow and expand, this fifth volume was added in 2021.
Visuelle Informationen beim Simultandolmetschen: Eine Eyetracking- Studie. Frank & Timme. Shreve, G. M., Lacruz, I., & Angelone, E. (2010). Cognitive effort, syntactic disruption, and visual interference in a sight translation task.
This collection contains such studies which observe behaviour during translation and interpreting.
This book presents the latest theoretical and empirical advances in cognitive translation studies. It involves the modes of written translation, interpreting, sight translation, and computer-aided translation.
The Routledge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics provides a comprehensive introduction and essential reference work to cognitive linguistics.
This groundbreaking work offers a comprehensive account of brain-based research on translation and interpreting.
Thus, this timely volume actively demonstrates that a new theoretical and methodological consensus in cognitive translation studies is emerging, promising to greatly improve the quality, verifiability, and generalizability of translation ...
C.S. Peirce and intersemiotic translation. In P. P. Trifonas (Ed.), ... Transactions of the Charles Pierce Society, 42(1), 78–116. Risku, H., & Windhager, F. (2015). ... Semiotranslating Peirce (Tartu Semiotics Library 17).