Supervision in the Hospitality Industry, 8th Edition focuses on the different roles of employees from beginning leaders, newly promoted supervisor, or anyone planning a career in the hospitality field. A market leader, this text is widely used by thousands of students training for a career in the hospitality industry and current hospitality supervisors alike. Supervision is unique in that it does not solely rely on the supervisor’s point of view; instead, it considers the viewpoints of all levels of associates to create an informed picture of management and supervision in the hospitality industry.
Charlotte Garvey, “Philosophizing Compensation,” HR Magazine, January 2005, Vol. 50 No. 1. 2. Ibid. 3. Catherine Dovey, “Compensation Trends, Society for Human Resource Management,” White Paper, January 2006, ...
* Covers all areas related to managing employees in foodservice and hotel operations, from communication, recruitment, and training to performance evaluation, discipline issues, and delegation. * Each chapter features new, up-to-date ...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Introduce students...
This revision of the most successful textbook in supervision for the hospitality industry covers current topics such as managing a diverse workforce, and is reorganized into three sections focusing on leadership, human resources, and ...
Supervision in the Hospitality Industry
Help hospitality supervisors hit the ground running with the skills they'll learn in this book.
Supervision in the Hospitality Industry
This is the Student Study Guide to Accompany Supervision in the Hospitality Industry, 8th Edition.
Supervision in the Hospitality Industry, 8e with Study Guide Set
This sixth edition is about leading the people who cook, serve, tend bar, check guests in and out, carry bags, clean rooms, mop floors - the people on whom success or failure of every hospitality enterprise depends.