Cost Management: Measuring, Monitoring, and Motivating Performance, Binder Ready Version + WileyPLUS Registration Card

Cost Management: Measuring, Monitoring, and Motivating Performance, Binder Ready Version + WileyPLUS Registration Card
Cost Management
Business & Economics
Leslie G. Eldenburg, Susan Wolcott, Liang-Hsuan Chen


ALERT: The Legacy WileyPLUS platform retires on July 31, 2021 which means the materials for this course will be invalid and unusable. If you were directed to purchase this product for a course that runs after July 31, 2021, please contact your instructor immediately for clarification. This package includes a three-hole punched, loose-leaf edition of ISBN 9781119185697 and a registration code for the WileyPLUS course associated with the text. Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that your instructor requires WileyPLUS. For customer technical support, please visit Cost Management: Measuring, Monitoring, and Motivating Performance, Third Canadian Edition was written to help students learn to appropriately apply cost accounting methods in a variety of organizational settings. To achieve this goal, students must also develop professional competencies, such as strategic/critical thinking, risk analysis, decision making, ethical reasoning and communication. This is in line with the CPA curriculum and the content of this edition and the problem materials is mapped to the CPA. Many students fail to recognize the assumptions, limitations, behavioural implications, and qualitative factors that influence managerial decision making. The textbook is written in an engaging step-by-step style that is accessible to students. The authors are proactive about addressing the challenges that instructors and students face in their teaching and learning endeavors. They utilize features such as realistic examples, real ethical dilemmas, self-study problems and unique problem material structured to encourage students to think about accounting problems and problem-solving more complexly.

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