Outlines the concepts of chemical engineering so that non-chemical engineers can interface with and understand basic chemical engineering concepts Overviews the difference between laboratory and industrial scale practice of chemistry, consequences of mistakes, and approaches needed to scale a lab reaction process to an operating scale Covers basics of chemical reaction eningeering, mass, energy, and fluid energy balances, how economics are scaled, and the nature of various types of flow sheets and how they are developed vs. time of a project Details the basics of fluid flow and transport, how fluid flow is characterized and explains the difference between positive displacement and centrifugal pumps along with their limitations and safety aspects of these differences Reviews the importance and approaches to controlling chemical processes and the safety aspects of controlling chemical processes, Reviews the important chemical engineering design aspects of unit operations including distillation, absorption and stripping, adsorption, evaporation and crystallization, drying and solids handling, polymer manufacture, and the basics of tank and agitation system design
The book demystifies complicated chemical engineering concepts through daily life examples and analogies. It contains many illustrations and tables that facilitate quick and in-depth understanding of the concepts handled in the book.
The ratio of convective mass transfer to diffusion-driven mass transfer defines Sherwood number: k D d Sh= (6.44) Here, k is the mass-transfer coefficient, d is the characteristic length as per the definition used to calculate Reynolds ...
This concise book is a broad and highly motivational introduction for first-year engineering students to the exciting of field of chemical engineering. The material in the text is meant to precede the traditional second-year topics.
The computer is a servant not a master, its value depends on the instructions it is given. This book aims to help the chemical engineer in the right choice of these instructions.
The book presents the key areas of chemical engineering, their mathematical foundations, and corresponding modeling techniques.
This text is designed for chemical and biochemical engineering students (senior undergraduate year, plus appropriate for capstone design courses where taken, plus graduates) and lecturers/tutors, and professionals in industry (chemical ...
Intended primarily for undergraduate chemical-engineering students, this book also includes material which bridges the gap between undergraduate and graduate requirements.
Taking a highly pragmatic approach to presenting the principles and applications of chemical engineering, this companion text for students and working professionals offers an easily accessible guide to solving problems using computers.
A much more detailed discussion of selection of materials of construction has been given by Kirby (1980). B.6 Materials of Construction – Summary References Green DW and Perry RH (2007) Perry's Chemical Engineer's Handbook, ...
This authoritative text has been re-written and expanded to include additional chapters on methyl tertiary butyl ether and higher alcohols. Read it cover to cover, chapter by chapter as the...