Chapter Eleven Slice and Dice, But Do It Wisely -- Chapter Twelve Sit Back and Relax -- Chapter Thirteen Trade Little, Be Patient -- Chapter Fourteen The Biggest Victory of All -- Chapter Fifteen The Golden Rule -- Chapter Sixteen The Paradox Is Everywhere -- Chapter Seventeen Will the Paradox Persist? -- See It -- Be Able to Exploit It -- Be Willing to Do It -- Chapter Eighteen Final Reflections -- Epilogue Jan's Perspective -- Appendix Paradox -- Acknowledgments -- References -- Index -- EULA
This book aims to provide the basics as well as the nuances of investing in FCNs so that an investor not only understands the concepts behind the product, but is also able to avoid common pitfalls.
Offers specific and workable tools for implementing and managing a total return investment program that will protect investment capital as well as provide superior returns. Presents an investing approach for...
' I don't have to buy a whole business, just purchase the publicly traded stocks of a few 'right' businesses. I suggest this book to anyone looking to hone their investment skills." —Patrick Fitzgerald, President, Fitzgerald Management
In this unique guide, investment expert Lawrence Tuller scours the world's financial frontiers for unconventional investment strategies designed to produce exceptionally high-yielding results - often with gains of 1,000 percent, and more.
Low Rates High Returns breaks down the complex world of investing and shows that with an understanding of a few crucial concepts you can gain a good understanding of how the stock market works and, more importantly, how you can safely ...
"Right from Chapter 1, you'll see that High-Return, Low-Risk Investment is no ordinary stock market investment guide:" ""The reader is going to experience a journey into the stock market guided...
Software by Numbers shows you how to: Identify Minimum Marketable Features (MMFs)--the fundamental units of value in software development Accelerate value delivery by linking iterative development to iterative funding Optimize returns ...
High-return, Low-risk Investment: Combining Market Timing, Stock Selection, and Closed-end Funds
This text guides the reader through the complexities of the bond fund market in terms the individual investor can understand.
" Scott Fearon, author of Dead Companies Walking: How a Hedge Fund Manager Finds Opportunity in Unexpected Places "If you want to invest like a guru, read this book. It is full of insights and reminders of dos and don'ts.