Environment, Tenth Edition helps students understand the connection between the core concepts of the Environmental Science and their daily lives. The 10th edition enhanced e-text features a rich, interactive collection of current case studies and in-text examples, which provides students with the tools to understand, apply, and think critically about environmental science. It also provides instructors with powerful tools to assess individual students progresses well as the class as a whole.
Environmental Science For Dummies is the most accessible book on the market for anyone who needs to get a handle on the topic, whether you're looking to supplement classroom learning or simply interested in learning more about our ...
The book highlights current challenges and potential solutions, helping define the future direction for environmental water management.
And to take the best care of the earth--and ourselves--it's important to make smart choices. With The Everything Kids' Environment Book, you'll find out what you can do every day to help protect our planet.
It is often said that this is because it promotes an 'ecological' view of things, one stressing the essential unity of human beings and the natural world. Buddhism, Virtue and Environment presents a different view.
Can we do better in the developing world? This central premise of this book is that we can, if we plan the urban water environment holistically. The Water Environment of Cities is the first book to develop this holistic vision.
In addition, numerous features and exercises help you master the material and apply what you have learned to real-world issues, and the text offers an unmatched range of support resources, including innovative online study tools that help ...
COVID-19 in the Environment: Impact, Concerns, and Management of Coronavirus highlights the research and technology addressing COVID-19 in the environment, including the associated fate, transport, and disposal.
Does the prevailing definition of news limit the media's ability to report on the environment? Media and the Environment is the first book to explore these and other questions about how the media cover the environment.
In this book, Christopher Klyza and David Sousa argue that the longstanding legislative stalemate at the national level has forced environmental policymaking onto other pathways.
T. Feijtel, G. Boeije, M. Matthies, A. Young, G. Morris, C. Gandolfi, B. Hansen, K. K. Fox, M. S. Holt, V. Koch, R. Schroder, G. Cassani, D. Schowanek, J. Rosemblom and H. Niessen, Chemosphere, 1997, 34, 2351–2373.