Handbook of Sport Psychology

Handbook of Sport Psychology
Handbook of Sport Psychology
John Wiley & Sons
Gershon Tenenbaum, Robert C. Eklund


The fourth edition of a classic, leading resource for the field of sport, exercise, and performance psychology Now expanded to two volumes, and featuring a wealth of new chapters from highly respected scholars in the field, this all-new edition of the Handbook of Sports Psychology draws on an international roster of experts and scholars in the field who have assembled state-of-the-art knowledge into this thorough, well-rounded, and accessible volume. Endorsed by the International Society of Sport Psychology, it represents an invaluable source of theoretical and practical information on our understanding of the role of psychology in sport, exercise, and performance—and how that understanding can be applied in order to improve real-world outcomes. Presented in eight parts, the Handbook of Sports Psychology, 4th Edition adds new material on emerging areas such as mindfulness, brain mapping, self-consciousness, and mental toughness, and covers special topics such as gender and cultural diversity, athletes with disabilities, and alcohol and drug use in sports. In addition, it covers classic topics such as what motivates an athlete to perform; why do some choke under pressure; how do top performers handle leadership roles; what does one do to mentally train; how an athlete deals with injury; and much more. Fourth edition of the most influential reference work for the field of sport psychology New coverage includes mindfulness in sport and exercise psychology, ethics, mental toughness, sport socialization, and making use of brain technologies in practice Endorsed by the International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP) Handbook of Sports Psychology, 4th Edition is an indispensable resource for any student or professional interested in the field of sports psychology.

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