Your Guide to Creating Equitable Schools If we hope to interrupt educational inequities and create schools in which every child thrives, we must open our hearts to purposeful conversation and hone our skills to make those conversations effective. With characteristic honesty and wisdom, Elena Aguilar inspires us to commit to transforming our classrooms, lays bare the hidden obstacles to equity, and helps us see how to overcome these obstacles, one conversation at a time. Coaching for Equity is packed with the resources necessary to implement Transformational Coaching in any organization. In addition to an updated coaching framework and corresponding rubrics, a comprehensive set of coaching tools puts success in every coach’s hands. Extensive personal narratives demonstrate what coaching for equity looks like and help us see how we can make every conversation count towards building a more just and equitable world. Coaching for Equity covers critical topics in the larger conversation about racial equity, and helps readers develop the knowledge, dispositions and skills to be able to: Talk productively about race, Build trust to support vulnerability, Unpack mental models and change someone’s mind, Observe classrooms and collect data to support equitable outcomes, Inspire others and deepen commitment, Evaluate and celebrate growth. Perfect for teachers, teacher leaders, coaches and administrators, Coaching for Equity offers extensive strategies for talking about race, power, and systems of oppression. In framing the rationale for transformational conversations, Coaching for Equity gives us the context we need to enter into this work. In laying out the strategies, tools and models for critical conversations, it gives us the way forward. Comprehensive, concrete, and deeply human, Coaching for Equity is the guide for those who choose to accept responsibility for interrupting inequities in schools. It is for all educators who know there is a better way.
The Art of Coaching provides concrete, actionable steps to move teachers along the continuum of excellence to meet this challenge head on." —Heather Lechner, turnaround school leader, New Orleans, Louisiana "In this book, Aguilar ...
The missing how-to manual for being an effective team leader The Art of Coaching Teams is the manual you never received when you signed on to lead a team.
This book offers a path to resiliency to help teachers weather the storms and bounce back—and work toward banishing the rain for good.
“You mean, just like Dr. Martin Luther King wrote in his essay?” It was the voice of the sassiest girl in the class and I am stunned. We had been struggling for several days on Martin Luther King's essay called “The Purpose of Education ...
The Second Edition of this best-selling handbook includes new neuroscientific research that demonstrates the potential for change in schools and expands the approach to cover teacher/student interaction.
In Leading Equity, Dr. Eakins has gone beyond theory. This book is introducing ten actionable steps that a teacher can implement in the classroom immediately.
This workbook covers the central elements of educational coaching, with a focus on developing equity and understanding the role of beliefs and biases.
See Gathering street data Collective teacher efficacy, 104 College Entrance Examination Board, 16 Collins, P. H., 13 Colorism, 199 Common Core State Standards, 12 Community cultural wealth, 12 Community walks, student-led, 64 Compassion ...
This book presents a powerful model for using relational trust, cultural humility, and appreciation of diverse perspectives to build learning communities that collectively uplift all students and all members of the learning community.
world revolved around Ms. Shepard. "I loved her so much," Angela told us, "and I was pretty sure I could make her love me as long as I finished everything faster than anyone else." One day, after Angela rushed through an assignment and ...