Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
John Wiley & Sons
Gerard A. McKay, Matthew R. Walters, Neil D. Ritchie


A must-have companion for medical students and junior doctors for almost four decades, Lecture Notes: Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics provides concise yet thorough coverage of the principles of clinical pharmacology, the major characteristics of therapeutics, and the practical aspects of prescribing drugs to alleviate symptoms and to treat disease. Whether you are preparing for examinations or prescribing to patients, the tenth edition offers readers current and authoritative insight into the essential practical and clinical knowledge. Logically organised chapters allow for rapid location of key information, while examples of commonly encountered scenarios illustrate how and when to use drugs in clinical situations. Throughout the text, practice questions, prescribing guidelines, and self-assessment tests clarify and reinforce the principles that inform appropriate clinical decision-making. Presents an up-to-date review of drug use across all major clinical disciplines Offers a timely overview of clinical drug trials and development Provides new clinical scenarios to relate chapter content to real-life application Contains colour-coded “Key Points” and “Prescribing Points” to highlight important information Includes chapter introductions and summaries, and numerous figures, tables, and colour illustrations Lecture Notes: Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Tenth Edition, is an essential resource for medical students, junior doctors, and other prescribers looking for an up-to-date reference on pharmacological principles, prescribing, and therapeutics.

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