Business Sustainability, Corporate Governance, and Organizational Ethics

Business Sustainability, Corporate Governance, and Organizational Ethics
Business & Economics
John Wiley & Sons
Zabihollah Rezaee


An in-depth, single-volume resource on current standards, research, practice, and education in the field Organizations worldwide are experiencing increased pressure from investors, lawmakers, and regulators to improve their corporate governance, business sustainability and corporate culture. The profit -with-purpose concept is gaining momentum in the business and investment communities in promoting creation of shared value for all stakeholders. Corporations are expected to generate required financial returns for shareholders and have desired social and environmental impacts while conducting their business ethically. Additionally, the social, ethical, and environmental performance of corporations are subject to intense scrutiny in today’s business environment. More than ever before, society is holding public companies accountable for their business activities and their financial reporting process. As colleges and universities continue to develop relevant curriculum, the importance of ethical conduct, business sustainability, and corporate governance is receiving increased attention from the general public, regulators, accounting professionals, and academics. Business Sustainability, Corporate Governance, and Organizational Ethics is a contemporary examination of emerging educational topics that continue to gain acceptance in business schools around the globe in training and preparing the most ethical and competent future business leaders. Divided into four modules, this authoritative book first covers three introductory chapters. The second module presents business sustainability, sustainability principles, theories, standards as well as sustainability factors of performance in all five economic, governance, social, ethical and environmental dimensions, sustainability reporting and assurance, sustainability risk assessment, and sustainability research and education. The third module explores corporate governance—including its oversight, managerial, compliance, advisory, auditing, and monitoring functions—and discusses its integration with accounting research and business curricula. The importance of business, professional, and workplace ethics, and corporate culture is illustrated in the book’s final module. Reflecting the most current information in the field, this book: Addresses the latest revisions to the AACSB Accreditation Standards Discusses the role business schools play in providing coverage of business sustainability, corporate governance and organizational ethics education Covers five dimensions of business sustainability performance: economic, governance, social, ethics, and environmental (EGSEE) and sustainability reporting and assurance Provides a framework for discussing important functions of corporate governance such as oversight, managerial, compliance, auditing, advisory and monitoring Discusses current trends in organizational ethics research and education Business Sustainability, Corporate Governance, and Organizational Ethics is an important resource for business students, financial, managerial accounting and auditing students, corporations and their directors and executives, regulators, researchers, and those in relevant areas of academia.

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