Enjoy a comprehensive and insightful perspective on advanced and foundational topics in clinical psychology with this newly updated resource The newly revised 4th Edition of Contemporary Clinical Psychology delivers a comprehensive and engaging view of the science and practice of clinical psychology. From a variety of different perspectives and in numerous settings, the book presents a realistic survey of the field of clinical psychology, including its history, employment opportunities, significant theoretical underpinnings, practice instructions, and guidelines for how to conduct and interpret research in this rapidly evolving area. Widely recognized author Thomas Plante includes information for specific topics, like the major theoretical models of clinical psychology, as well as general knowledge in this new edition that includes supplemental content like videos and interactive material that will increase student engagement and retention of the subject matter. Alongside chapters on topics including how to conduct contemporary psychological assessments, how to implement psychotherapeutic interventions, and descriptions of consultative, teaching, and administrative roles, Contemporary Clinical Psychology, 4th Edition features: A fully integrative, practical, biopsychosocial approach to upper-level clinical psychology subject matter Brand new and updated student and instructor resources directly integrated into the e-text Supplemental resources like video clips, interactive links, test banks, PowerPoint slides, and an Instructor’s Manual Coverage of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5, the most recent testing instruments, and the latest research in evidence-based treatment practices How to conduct research in an era of open access and other changes in research publication Perfect for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in introduction to clinical psychology courses in both university psychology and counseling departments, Contemporary Clinical Psychology, 4th Edition also belongs on the bookshelves of students in free-standing schools of psychology offering PsyD and MA degrees.
Contemporary Clinical Psychology
The text is designed for students in their first year of clinical psychology graduate training. * Includes assessment, treatment, and practice issues * Compares and contrasts different therapeutic styles * Exemplifies practical application ...
3 Be able to position the experience of people with intellectual disabilities within wider psychological theories. 4 Have an understanding of the key psychological approaches in this area, how other treatment approaches might be adapted ...
Clark, D. M. (1986). A cognitive approach to panic. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 24, 461–470. Clark, D. M., & Beck, A. T. (1988). Cognitive approaches. In C. Last & M. Hersen (Eds.), Handbook of anxiety disorders. New York: Pergamon.
Contemporary Theory and Practice in Counseling and Psychotherapy by Howard E. A. Tinsley, Suzanne H. Lease, and Noelle S. Giffin Wiersma is a comprehensive, topically arranged text that provides a contemporary account of counseling theories ...
In this book, you will learn everything you need to know to become a clinical psychologist. • Learn how to polish your personal statement, curriculum vitae, resume, thesis, and take tests needed to gain admittance into a clinical ...
... I was essential for my daughters growing up and the way I am relevant now is also different from that of my own parents. More indepth understanding and exploration of how parents can be essential and stay relevant in the lives of their ...
Spanning two volumes, which are also accessible as standalone books, this essential collection will be of interest to Jungian analysts and therapists, as well as to academics and students of Jungian and post-Jungian studies.
This is the most up-to-date text about the etiology and treatment of the most important psychological disorders.
Grief and loss in an age of global trauma. Virtual intimacy: help or hindrance? Considerations for psychoanalytic treatment in time of war. What happens to confidentiality when the government enters the treatment room?