For nearly four decades, Abnormal Psychology: The Science and Treatment of Psychological Disorders has been a trusted resource for instructors and students. Known for its comprehensive coverage of current research, the book consists of a balance and blending of research and clinical application, and involves the learner in the kinds of real-world problem solving engaged in by clinicians and scientists. Students learn that psychopathology is best understood by considering multiple perspectives which provide the clearest accounting of the causes of these disorders as well as the best possible treatments. This International Adaptation features a new integrated approach, shining a light on psychopathologies' root causes and most effective treatments by approaching these disorders from multiple, complementary perspectives underscoring that very often biological, cognitive, behavioral, and socioemotional factors are critical to understanding psychological disorders. This edition includes new cases and data from regions such as Europe, South America, Africa, and Asia Pacific which present a more encompassing view of the clinical context for the theories and research that occupy most of our attention in the book.
Clinical Psychiatry: By Eliot Slater and Martin Roth
Models of Causality in Psychopathology: Toward Dynamic, Synthetic, and Nonlinear Models of Behavior Disorders
Additional support for the connection between flow and mindfulness appears in a study by Moore (2013) on the relationship between mindfulness, cognitive flexibility, and increasing experiences offlow. Moore describes cognitive ...
A mainstream text with a contemporary twist, this introduction is designed to make the material in this field accessible to students in a changing world.
Abnormal Psychology 97/98
Also available with MyPsychLab® This title is also available with MyPsychLab -- an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results.
Smoke and Mirrors: A Review of the Literature on Smoking and Mental Illness
Guillemin R , Vargo T , Rossier J , Minick S , Ling N , Rivier C , Vale W , Bloom F ( 1977 ) B - endorphin and ... Eipper BA , Mains RE ( 1981 ) Further analysis of post - translational processing of B - endorphin in rat intermediate ...
... C. , 107 Heagarty , M. , 409 Heard , H. L. , 150 Heath , A. C. , 194 , 287 Heatherton , T. F. , 427 Hedley , L. M. , 175 Heebink , D. M. , 431 Heffner , C. L. , 440 Heijtmajer Jansen , O. , 229 Heikkinen , M. E. , 300 Heim ...