Other Delmar publications include: Paralegals in American Law; Paralegal Careers; Paralegal Ethics; and Pocket Guide to Legal Ethics.
Because the law of corporations and business organizations is based largely on state law, the discussions in this book focus on the Uniform and Model Laws used by most state legislatures when adopting their own state laws.
Selection of Form of Business Enterprise; Nature of Corporateness or Corporate Personality; Selection of Jurisdiction of Incorporation; Pre-incorporation Problems; Incorporation and Admission; Recognition or Disregard of Corporateness; Corporate Financial Structure;...
The new edition focuses heavily on corporation law, with an introductory treatment of agency and partnership at the outset and securities regulation toward the end. This book is perfect for a three-credit corporations class.
ON LINE RESOURCE- On-line Resource for this text includes chapter-specific Web resources, links to helpful Web pages, and career information for corporate paralegals
Focusing on corporations, sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability partnerships, and limited liability entities, the text explains the law and the theory behind the law while providing practical information that you can take to ...
The discussions in this book focus on the Uniform and Model Laws used by most state legislatures when adopting their own state laws with special attention given to the Model Business Corporation Act 2007, published in February 2008.
Part of the University Casebook Series?, Corporations, Unabridged offers detailed information on corporate law and covers new principal cases, text, and explanatory materials designed to illustrate the development of corporate...
Corporations and Other Business Organizations: Statutes, Rules, Materials, and Forms
Mrs. Blackburn also admitted that each month she received a summary or transaction sheet from Walston & Company or Dean Witter, setting forth all transactions between her and the brokerage house for the preceding month.
This book is an invaluable resource for any creative with a great business idea.