Organized topically to realistically present the three overarching perspectives that guide today's researchers and practitioners of developmental psychology, David Bjorklund and Carlos Hernández Blasi's CHILD AND ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT: AN INTEGRATED APPROACH provides not only a truly ground-breaking integrated approach but also the most practical and up-to-date introduction to this vital subject. The authors emphasize applied issues and consistently show how the major perspectives on human development must be integrated -rather than presented as contrasting and sometimes contradictory ways of looking at development -in order to meaningfully understand infants, children, and adolescents as well as how they develop. High-interest boxes including the Biopsychology of Childhood, Evolution in Action, and Socioculturally Speaking appear in rotation throughout the chapters to add both depth and dimension to the presentation of the text's comprehensive core content and featured perspectives. A rich set of pedagogical resources in the text itself and throughout its dynamic suite of online and print supplements helps to ensure that this text engages, enlightens, and challenges students in unique ways. Take a look and see why pre-publication reviewers and class-testers have been raving about the exciting teaching and learning possibilities this new text offers. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Chronologically organized, the text offers a complete introduction to the field, highlighting the most important concepts and research findings.
The volume outlines the investment case for effective, costed, and scalable interventions for low-resource settings, emphasizing the cross-sectoral role of education.
The text begins with a chapter that briefly describes the stages, domains, and patterns of child and adolescent development, as well as traditional and contemporary theories.
In L. R. Squire, F. E. Bloom, S. K. McConnell, J. L. Roberts, N. C. Spitzer, & M.J. Zigmond (Eds.), Fundamental neuroscience (2nd ed., pp. 363–390). New York: Academic Press. Luna, B., Thulborn, K., Munoz, D., Merriam, E., Garver, K., ...
Adolescenceâ€"beginning with the onset of puberty and ending in the mid-20sâ€"is a critical period of development during which key areas of the brain mature and develop.
Indeed, preadolescent children are remarkably adept at discerning their peers' progression toward puberty and are highly reactive to perceptions that they are out of step with age-mates (Brooks-Gunn & Warren, 1988; Mendle et al., 2010).
In G. Spindler (Ed.), Doing the ethnography of schooling (pp. 133–174). New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Erikson, E. (1943). Observations on the Yurok: Childhood and world. development and its defects. Birth Defects Research, 108, ...
Child and Adolescent Development
This accessible, chronologically organized text introduces the major topics, issues, terminology, and theories in child and adolescent development. Lefrancois is known for his friendly, student-oriented writing, which includes personal anecdotes...
This book breaks new ground by integrating dynamic systems concepts with a contextual behavioral view of development. The two make a dramatically good fit and something new emerges from the...