INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA, International Edition offers a practical approach to the study of intermediate algebra concepts, consistent with the needs of today’s student. The authors help students to develop a solid understanding of functions by revisiting key topics related to functions throughout the text. They put special emphasis on the worked examples in each section, treating them as the primary means of instruction, since students rely so heavily on examples to complete assignments. Many of the applications (both within the examples and exercises) are also uniquely designed so that students have an experience that is more true to life—students must read information as it appears in headline news sources and extract only the relevant information needed to solve a stated problem. This promotes the text’s focus on developing better study habits, problem solving and critical thinking skills along with orienting students to think and reason mathematically. Through INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA, International Edition, students will not only be better prepared for future math courses, they will be better prepared to solve problems and answer questions they encounter in their own lives.
"Develops algebraic concepts through finding and creating spatial and number patterns"--Page 4.
Prentice Hall Algebra Two with Trigonometry
The book employs Kaufmann and Schwitters' straightforward, three-step approach to problem solving--which guides students in learning a skill, practicing the skill to solve equations, and then using the equations to solve applications ...
Kaufmann and Schwitters have built this text's reputation on clear and concise exposition, numerous examples, and plentiful problem sets.
Test Items and Chapter Tests for Kaufmann's Intermediate Algebra: Functions, Graphs, and Applications
Instructor's Solutions Manual for Kaufmann/Schwitters' Intermediate Algebra, Sixth Edition
College Algebra
This text's reputation is built on clear and concise exposition, numerous examples and plentiful problem sets.
Contains complete, worked-out solutions for odd problems.
Three nickels e . n nickels f . ( n − 2 ) nickels Ans . 5 ( 3 ) or 15 cents Ans . 5n cents Ans . 5 ( n − 2 ) cents 11. In a collection of coins there are four more dimes than quarters . If x represents the number of quarters ...