A highly accessible, student-friendly text, JUVENILE JUSTICE, 6E, International Edition offers a practical and comprehensive look at the juvenile justice system. The text explores various programs and processes that exist in today's field, including prevention efforts through school and community-based programs. The Sixth edition features a prestigious new coauthor--John Paul Wright from the University of Cincinnati--and provides a new emphasis on evidence-based practice and other cutting-edge issues such as cyberbullying, school violence, female delinquency, and more.
In F. Esbensen, S. G. Tibbetts & L. Gaines (Eds.), American youth gangs at the millennium (pp. 90–108). Long Grove, IL: Waveland. Ehrenkranz, J., Bliss, E., & Sheard, ... Eiser, C., & Eiser, J. R. (1988). Drug education in schools.
Newark, NJ: Matthew Bender/LexisNexis. Gainey, Randy R. (2002). “House Arrest.” Pp. 858-61 in Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment, edited by David Levinson. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Gallagher, Kathryn (1999).
Thomas Grisso, “What We Know about Youth' Capacities as Trial Defendants,” in Thomas Grisso and Robert G. Schwartz, eds., Youth on Trial (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000). 20. See Elizabeth S. Scott, “Criminal Responsibility ...
"The lessons in this book remind us that we can—and that we must—do better, for the sake of our children, their futures, and the sake of our nation.
... Clark, M. D., Gingerich, R., & Meltzer, M. L. (2007). ... The relationship of Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana, and other illegal drug use to delinquency among Mexican-American, black, and white adolescent males. Adolescence, 25, 171–181 ...
America has waged a war on kids. In The War on Kids, Cara Drinan reveals how the United States went from being a pioneer to an international pariah in its juvenile sentencing practices.
The text carefully examines the structures, procedures, policies, and problems of American juvenile justice agencies.
In this bold book, two leading scholars in law and adolescent development offer a comprehensive and pragmatic way forward.
... M. (2008). Evaluation ofbullyproofingyour school: Final report. Retrieved July 1, 2009 from http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/ nij/grants/221078.pdf * Olweus, ... Pepler, D. J., Craig, W. M., O'Connell, P.,Atlas, R., & Charach.
Juvenile Justice is designed for undergraduate students studying juvenile justice systems, juvenile justice process, juvenile delinquency, and law enforcement in the departments of Administration of Justice, Criminal Justice, Criminology, ...