Practical and inspiring, this field-leading book helps students learn how to navigate encounters with death, dying, and bereavement. The authors integrate classical and contemporary material, present task-based approaches for individual and family coping, and include four substantial chapters devoted to death-related issues faced by children, adolescents, young and middle-aged adults, and older adults. The book discusses a variety of cultural and religious perspectives that affect people's understanding and practices associated with such encounters. Practical guidelines for constructive communication are designed to encourage productive living in the face of death. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
This unique book discusses the challenging issues in life, death, and dying as it applies to everyone: people who are facing death, those who are coping with dying or with...
Practical and inspiring, this best-selling book helps students learn to cope with experiences associated with death, dying, and bereavement.
A guide to living life in the moment uses lessons learned from the dying to help the living find the most enjoyment and happiness.
Living Life Dying Death: A Guide to Healthy Conversations about Death and Dying to Inspire Life and Living
We are all going to die, and that's ok. Let's talk about it. This is a book about life and living, as much as it's a book about death and dying.
Living Is Dying collects teachings about death and the bardos that have been passed down through a long lineage of brilliant Buddhist masters, each of whom went to great lengths to examine the process in minute detail.
But obviously everybody can't move to Houston. MOTHER: I think there's another point, too. And I've discussed this with several mothers. We felt like, well, to move to Houston is to give in to this disease and it I I4 LIVING WITH DEATH ...
This book offers a fresh approach to the negotiation of death and grief. It is founded in principles of constructive conversation that focus on "remembering" lives, in contrast to processes of forgetting or dismembering those who have died.
The American Book of Living and Dying gives us courage to trust our deepest instincts, and reminds us that by telling the stories of those who have passed, we remember, honor, and continue to learn from them.
A guide to living life in the moment uses lessons learned from the dying to help the living find the most enjoyment and happiness.