This best-selling text for introductory Latin American history courses encompasses political and diplomatic theory, class structure and economic organization, culture and religion, and the environment. The integrating framework is the dependency theory, the most popular interpretation of Latin American history, which stresses the economic relationship of Latin American nations to wealthier nations, particularly the United States. Spanning pre-historic times to the present, A HISTORY OF LATIN AMERICA takes both a chronological and a nation-by-nation approach, and includes the most recent historical analysis and the most up-to-date scholarship. The Ninth Edition includes expanded coverage of social and cultural history (including music) throughout and increased attention to women, indigenous cultures, and Afro-Latino people assures well balanced coverage of the region's diverse histories. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
This best-selling text for introductory Latin American history courses encompasses political and diplomatic theory, class structure and economic organization, culture and religion, and the environment.
Enth.: Bd. 1-2: Colonial Latin America ; Bd. 3: From Independence to c. 1870 ; Bd. 4-5: c. 1870 to 1930 ; Bd. 6-10: Latin America since 1930 ; Bd. 11: Bibliographical essays.
An indispensable reference work for anyone interested in Latin America's economic development.
This book presents a cultural history of Latin America as seen through a symbolic good and a practice – the book, and the act of publication – two elements that have had an irrefutable power in shaping the modern world.
A history of latin america, its people, discovery and conquest, the spanish empire, and other information.
'Documenting Latin America' focuses on the central themes of race, gender, and politics.
Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides give all of the outlines, highlights, notes, and quizzes for your textbook with optional online comprehensive practice tests. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific. Accompanys: 9780618783212 .
The first full-length study of World War II from the Latin American perspective, this unique volume offers an in-depth analysis of the region during wartime.
Diccionario de escritores mexicanos : siglo XX . Desde las generaciones del Ateneo y novelistas de la Revolución hasta nuestros días , Mexico , Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México , 1988- . ( Vol . 1 , A - Ch . ) Format the same as ...
This major new work brings together dozens of leading economists to explore the economic performance of the ten largest countries in South America and of Mexico.