Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries

Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries
Western Civilization
Civilization, Western
Wadsworth Publishing Company
Thomas F. X. Noble


WESTERN CIVILIZATION: BEYOND BOUNDARIES, Volume I: To 1715, 7E, International Edition is distinguished for its wider definition of Europe that includes Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, and European frontiers. Recognizing that factors outside the continent affected European history, the authors highlight Europe's place in the world throughout the narrative and in the primary source feature, "The Global Record." The seventh edition has a streamlined design and has been carefully revised with features such as focus questions, key terms, and section summaries to help readers understand the material. The reconceived narrative and restructured organization, featuring smaller, more cohesive learning units, make the book easy to use. Available in the following split options: WESTERN CIVILIZATION: BEYOND BOUNDARIES, 7E, International Edition Complete, Volume I: To 1715, Volume II: Since 1560.

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