America's past is full of politics as well as personal stories. That's why Conlin's THE AMERICAN PAST: A SURVEY OF AMERICAN HISTORY teaches history the way it happened: real people with real stories. Through short narratives from political figures' lives, you'll discover how our nation grew from a colonial project to an international superpower. Along the way, you'll find the human dimension emphasized with the stories of men and women of different regional, socioeconomic, and ethnic backgrounds described in colorful detail. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides gives all of the outlines, highlights, and quizzes for your textbook with optional online comprehensive practice tests. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific. Accompanies: 9781111343408.
Consistent scholarship and a unique organization make this book comprehensive and manageable. The text benefits from Conlin's literary prose style, which lends a unifying voice that captures and holds students' interest.
The American Past: A Survey of American History. --since 1865. Vol. 2
Since 1865 James A. Henretta, Melvin Yazawa, Kevin J. Fernlund. 27-6 The Next and More Profound Stage of the Battle for Civil Rights (1965) 2. How did Johnson propose to achieve “not just equality.
Organized into short chapters and updated with new insights into recently published research, this text sets the story in a political context, weaving in social, cultural, economic, intellectual, constitutional, diplomatic, and military ...
The Essentials of American History: Since 1865
In American Horizons: U.S. History in a Global Context, Fourth Edition, the authors use the frequent movement of people, goods, and ideas into, out of, and within America's borders as a framework.
The twelfth edition of this text includes the McGraw-Hill’s hit Primary Source Investigator (PSI) cd-rom, with hundreds of sources and a program that walks students through how to write a paper using those sources as evidence.
Over 300 historians joined together to create the book they wanted for their own students—an accessible, synthetic narrative that reflects the best of recent historical scholarship and provides a jumping-off point for discussions in the U ...
The American Past