Corporate Finance: A Focused Approach

Corporate Finance: A Focused Approach
Corporate Finance
Business & Economics
Cengage Learning
Eugene Brigham, Michael Ehrhardt


Focus on the financial concepts, skills, and technological applications that are most critical for MBA students in today’s workplace with Ehrhardt/Brigham’s CORPORATE FINANCE: A FOCUSED APPROACH 5E. The text provides an in-depth treatment of essential corporate finance topics within a streamlined presentation that can be completed in a single semester. With its relevant and engaging presentation and numerous examples, students will learn the latest financial developments as they also learn how to maximize a firm’s value in today’s changing business world. Students will master the many features and functions of spreadsheets with chapter Excel Tool Kits, Build a Model problems, and Mini Cases that encourage “what-if” analysis on a real-time basis. Students will also gain hands-on experience using Thomson ONE Business School Edition, which gives students access to the same Thomson Reuters Financial database that business professionals use every day. As part of its comprehensive product package, Ehrhardt/Brigham’s CORPORATE FINANCE: A FOCUSED APPROACH 5E includes CengageNOW and the best-selling ApliaTM Finance as optional learning solutions that complement the book’s focused presentation of corporate finance fundamentals, support course needs and outcomes, and help students become “First in Finance”. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

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