THE CHALLENGE OF DEMOCRACY: AMERICAN GOVERNMENT IN GLOBAL POLITICS, THE ESSENTIALS introduces new co-author Debra Schildkraut to this stellar author team. This best-selling American government text is highly acclaimed for the non-ideological framework it uses to explore three themes: freedom, order, and equality as political values; the majoritarianism versus pluralism debate; and globalization's effect on American politics. Using an easy to follow approach, with chapters and subheadings numbered and organized by learning outcomes, and a new end of chapter "Assessing Your Understanding" section where students can can test their knowledge, the ninth edition provides a solution for teaching and assessing course learning outcomes. Extensively updated, this condensed edition includes new examples, figures, data, and current discussions. The authors include balanced coverage of Obama's historical presidency and coverage and analysis of the 2012 presidential primary campaign and election. This ninth edition of THE CHALLENGE OF DEMOCRACY, THE ESSENTIALS is an abridged version of the twelfth edition of THE CHALLENGE OF DEMOCRACY. See "Features" for details.
The Challenge of Democracy: Government in America
Islam and the Challenge of Democracy aims to correct this deficiency. The book engages the reader in a rich discourse on the challenges of democracy in contemporary Islam.
The contributors to this book analyze the democratic potential of these movements and practices, their ability to give a voice to the view from below and their potential contribution to a more genuine participation by the majority of ...
The Challenge of Democracy: American Government in Global Politics
In this fascinating book, Thomas Wren clarifies and elevates the debates over leadership by identifying the fundamental premises and assumptions that underlie past and present understandings.
The Challenge of Democracy: Government in America
The Challenge of Democracy: American Government in Global Politics
Facing the Challenge of Democracy features contributions by John Aldrich, Stephen Ansolabehere, Edward Carmines, Jack Citrin, Susanna Dilliplane, Christopher Ellis, Michael Ensley, Melanie Freeze, Donald Green, Eitan Hersh, Simon Jackman, ...
This collection of essays is critical for advancing our understanding of the emerging challenges to democratic development.
This text will be of key interest to scholars of democracy and democratization and more broadly to comparative politics, electoral studies, political theory, power and comparative political institutions.