This edited volume builds on a core set of concepts developed by I. William Zartman to offer new insights into conflict management and African politics. Key concepts such as ripe moments, hurting stalemates, and collapsed states, are built upon in order to show how conflict resolution theory may be applied to contemporary challenges, particularly in Africa. The contributors explore means of pre-empting negotiations over bribery, improving outcomes in environmental negotiations, boosting the capacity of mediators to end violent conflicts, and finding equitable negotiated outcomes. Other issues dealt with in the book include the negotiation of relations with Europe, the role of culture in African conflict resolution, the means to enhance security in unstable regional environments, and the strategic role of the United States in mediating African conflicts. This book will be of much interest to students of international conflict management, peace/conflict studies, African politics and IR in general.
Beyond the ABCs: Higher education and developing countries. Centre for Global Development, Working Paper No. 139. ... Political Values and Educated Class in Africa, Berkeley CA: California University Press. Mkandawire, T. 2005.
Board of Trustees James A. Johnson Chairman Vartan Gregorian Teresa Heinz F.Warren Hellman Samuel Hellman Robert A. ... H. Armacost Elizabeth E. Bailey Alan M. Dachs Kenneth W. Dam Bart Friedman Stephen Friedman Henry Louis Gates Jr.
Africa is known as a continent of conflict. Entire regions have been caught up in violent conflicts that have sometimes resulted in state collapse. Yet during its nearly four decades...
Presenting the first database of constitutional design in all African countries, and seven original case studies, Constitutions and Conflict Management in Africa explores the types of domestic political institutions that can buffer ...
As this book demonstrates, governance is conflict management. Governments are needed to handle the conflicting demands posed by groups in society and to reduce the conflicts that arise among the groups themselves.
This timely volume examines the relationship between elections, especially electoral systems, and conflict management in Africa, while also serving as an important reference for other regions.
Board of Trustees James A. Johnson Chairman Leonard Abramson Michael H. Armacost Ronald J. Arnault Elizabeth E. ... Dam D. Ronald Daniel Stephen Friedman Vartan Gregorian Bernadine P. Healy Samuel Hellman Warren Hellman Robert A. Helman ...
These sentiments were echoed by three KLA fundraisers: Bardhyl Mahmuti, Jashar Shalihu and Bilall Sherifi, in an interview given in Jonathan Landay, “Inside a Rebellion: Banking on War” Christian Science Monitor, April 15, 1998 p. 1.
"These two volumes clearly demonstrate the efforts by a wide range of African scholars to explain the roots, routes, regimes and resolution of African conflicts and how to re-build post-conflict societies.
This book presents the first comprehensive overview of conflict and peace across the continent.