Socially Restorative Urbanism: The theory, process and practice of Experiemics

Socially Restorative Urbanism: The theory, process and practice of Experiemics
Kevin Thwaites, Ian Simkins, Alice Mathers


The need for a human-orientated approach to urbanism is well understood, and yet all too often this dimension remains lacking in urban design. In this book the authors argue for and develop socially restorative urbanism – a new conceptual framework laying the foundations for innovative ways of thinking about the relationship between the urban spatial structure and social processes to re-introduce a more explicit people-centred element into urban place-making and its adaptation. Focusing on this interplay between humans and the built environment, two new concepts are developed: the transitional edge – a socio-spatial concept of the urban realm; and Experiemics – a participative process that acts to redress imbalances in territorial relationships, defined in terms of the awareness of mine, theirs, ours and yours (MTOY). In this way, Socially Restorative Urbanism shows how professional practice and community understanding can be brought together in a mutually interdependent and practical way. Its theoretical and practical principles are applicable across a wide range of contexts concerning human benefit through urban environmental change and experience, and it will be of interest to readers in the social sciences and environmental psychology, as well as the spatial planning and design disciplines.

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