This second edition of Environment and Tourism reflects changes in the relationship between tourism, society and the natural environment in the first decade of the new century. Alongside the updating of all statistics, environmental policy initiatives, examples and case studies new material has been added. This includes two new chapters: one on climate change and natural disasters and the other on the relationship between tourism and poverty. These themes have direct relevance, not only to tourism, but are reflective of the wider relationship between nature and society, a thesis that contextualizes this book. Tourism is also analyzed as an interconnected system, linking the environments of where tourists come from, with the ones they go to. Taking a holistic view of the tourism system and how it interacts with the natural environment, this volume illustrates the positive and negative effects of this relationship, and importantly how tourism can be planned and managed to encourage natural resource conservation and aid human development. It is an invaluable tool for all those studying human geography, tourism and environment studies.
Considers the relationship that exists between tourism, society and the environment. It discusses how the tourism industry markets environments and suggests ways in which the economics of tourism can be adopted to aid conservation.
"This volume provides a research-based overview of the relationship between tourism development and environmental quality. The concept of sustainable tourism is examined as a prelude to a detailed treatment of...
This innovative and thoroughly interdisciplinary book discusses the environmental impact of tourism and recreation. These issues are not observed in a vacuum, but rather in the holistic context of the...
Tourism: Tourism, environment and the society
... the genuine tastes of local farm products (salted meats and charcuterie – assorted cooked pork meats –, fruit and vegetables, wines). The diversity of our regional food specialties will quite simply amaze you'. Austria: Holidays ...
Tourism and the Environment: A Quest for Sustainability : with Special Reference to Developing Countries, and Policy Analysis on Himachal...
Such exploitation of the mass market appeal of ecotravel and ecotourism, especially to exotic environments, has been termed 'green washing'. McLaren uses the term 'ecotravel' to include both ecotourism and nature-based tourism and notes ...
This book examines how local and global environment-society relations play out in coastal communities dependent on tourism for economic survival.
The contributions contained in this volume deal with two perspectives of ‘tourism and environment'; the 'role of the environment in tourism' and ‘environmental tourism'. The same message would be expected in both cases.
Products, services and other activities may have green or eco-labels attached to them (ecotourism being an obvious ... a number of which exist for tourism at the national (for example, Australia's Nature & Ecotourism Accreditation ...