The concept of sustainability lies at the core of the challenge of environment and development and the way governments, business and environmental groups respond to it. Green Development provides a clear and coherent analysis of sustainable development in both theory and practice. This third edition retains the clear and powerful argument of previous editions, but has been updated to reflect advances in ideas and changes in international policy. Greater attention has been given to political ecology, environmental risk and the environmental impacts of development. This fully revised third edition discusses: the origins of thinking about sustainability and sustainable development and its evolution to the present day the ideas that dominate mainstream sustainable development (ecological modernization, market environmentalism and environmental economics) the nature and diversity of alternative ideas about sustainability that challenge ‘business as usual’ thinking (for example ecosocialism, ecofeminism, deep ecology and political ecology) the dilemmas of sustainability in the context of dryland degradation, deforestation, biodiversity conservation, dam construction and urban and industrial development the nature of policy choices about the environment and development strategies and between reformist and radical responses to the contemporary global dilemmas. Green Development offers clear insights into the challenges of environmental sustainability and social and economic development. It is unique in offering a synthesis of theoretical ideas on sustainability and in its coverage of the extensive literature on the environment and development around the world. This book has proved its value to generations of students as an authoritative, thought-provoking and readable guide to the field of sustainable development.
... 160 , 168 water - efficient , 157 , 168 , 230–231 Podmajersky , John , 154 , 154-155 , 419 Pollack Design Associates , 138 Pollard , Doug , 368 Polls , see Market surveys Roper , 108 Roper Starch Worldwide , 20 Pollutant ( s ) ...
... industrialisation without side-effects', but it did not say how this desirable trajectory of change was to be achieved (Clarke and Timberlake 1982, p.
This book is particularly concerned with China’s path to green development and how it can be understood, exploring questions such as how the goal of Chinese-led green development can be achieved.
This authoritative and readable text provides a clear and coherent analysis of sustainable development in theory and practice. The fourth edition of Green Development is fully revised, and up to date.
This is a timely and original book for all those studying environmental justice, urban planning, environmental sociology, and sustainable development as well as urban environmental activists, city planners and policy makers interested in ...
This book offers an insiders' view into Chinese plans for a green transformation of the economy of China.
This book considers how public sector institutions can be transformed to better support sustainable development by exploring the concept of green inside activism and its importance for institutional change.
The Green Leap not only offers essential information for constructing new developments but also helps existing communities retrofit homes, yards, and neighborhoods to better serve both people and nature.
Thus, greening the economy does not diminish differences between rich and poor. This book is suitable for those who study and work in Ecological Economics, Sustainable Development and Labor Economics.
Popularly known as The Pearce Report, this book is a report prepared for the Department of the Environment. It demonstrates the ways in which elements in our environment at present under threat from many forms of pollution can be costed.