Fair Weather: Equity concerns in climate change

Fair Weather: Equity concerns in climate change
Fair Weather
Political Science
Ferenc L. Toth


Is a unique, cross-disciplinary assessment of fairness and equity issues in the context of global climate change - a crucial dimension in current international negotiations - written by a collection of leading scientists in economics, sociology and social psychology, ethics, international law and political science. How should responsibility for adapting to climate change be distributed? Who should bear the costs of mitigating its impacts and how should these costs be measured? Answers to these questions differ, often according to the vulnerability, wealth and level of industrial development of the country. Finding a fair solution is controversial, but crucial to the complex and vital negotiations over global warming. This illuminating and accessible volume explores the policy dimensions and analytical needs of the negotiation process. It is essential reading for policy makers and students and teachers of economics, sociology and social psychology, ethics, international relations, law and political science. FERENC L TOTH is project leader at the Department of Global Change and Social Systems at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany. CONTRIBUTORS H Asbjorn Aaheim Frank Biermann Samuel Fankhauser Carsten Helm Juliane Kokott Joanne Linnerooth-Bayer Volker Linneweber Elizabeth L Malone Shuzo Nishioka Originally published in 1999 David W Pearce Steve Rayner P R Shukla Dominik Thieme Michael Thompson Richard S J Tol David G Victor

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