While many books explore the possibilities for developing inclusive practices in schools, and ‘inclusion’ is widely regarded as a desirable goal, much of the literature on the subject has been narrowly concerned with the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs. This book however, takes the view that marginalisation, exclusion and underachievement take many forms and affect many different kinds of child. As such, a definition of inclusion should also touch upon issues of equity, participation, community, entitlement, compassion, respect for diversity and sustainability. Here the highly regarded authors focus on: barriers to participation and learning experienced by pupils the practices that can overcome these barriers the extent to which such practices facilitate improved learning outcomes how such practices can be encouraged and sustained within schools and LEAs. The book is part of the Improving Learning series, published in partnership with the Teaching and Learning Research Project.
The link between theory and practice will be welcomed by many practitioners. With extensive examples from the field to illustrate Ainscow's ideas, this is an eminently accessible text.
A Guide for ensuring inclusion and equity in education
Clark, C., Dyson, A., Millward, A. and Robson, S. (1999) Theories of inclusion, theories of schools: deconstructing and reconstructing the 'inclusive school'. British Educational Research Journal 25(2), 157–177.
Inclusion has been adopted as an overall aim for compulsory education in most countries.This book explores the way teachers are prepared for inclusion in their initial and in-service teacher education.
This authoritative text will be of immense interest and use to practitioners, policy-makers, researchers and campaigners who are working towards a more equitable and inclusive society.
Developing links between special needs and school improvement. Support for Learning, 13(2), 70–75. Ainscow, M. (1999). Understanding the development of inclusive schools. London: Falmer. Ainscow, M. (2000). Reaching out to all learners: ...
Offers a ten-step plan to achieve positive academic and social outcomes for students with or without disabilities.
It is designed to encourage readers to conduct their own research. This is a useful text for practitioner, postgraduate students, researchers, academics and policy-makers in education."--Jacket.
You’ll discover: Step-by-step plans for implementing new programs Guidance on how to strengthen existing inclusive programs Strategies to empower and involve families, students with disabilities, and their peers Tools to assess student ...
This 4-volume set brings together seminal articles and key writings on the theme of inclusion and diversity in education. The collection takes disability and special educational need as a starting...