First Published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Drake - Brockmann , cited by Major Shakespear in “ Typical Tribes and Castes ... ( of the Mongoloid Tract Lusheis ) , ” Census of India , Ethnographical Appendixes ( Calcutta , 1903 ) , Appendix IV . p . 228 .
The book also explores innovative rites for other important events such as beginning school, same-sex commitment ceremonies, abortion, becoming seriously ill, divorce and retirement."--BOOK JACKET.
In this book, Gene A. Plunka argues that the most important single element that solidifies all of Genet's work is the concept of metamorphosis.
Adult Developmental Passages Appreciating the basic facts concerning adult development provides the necessary framework for understanding the emotional tendencies ... It doesn't take a degree in psychology to 20 Divorce : Rights of Passage.
When trying to bring together my two passions of writing and gender equality, I wanted to give women the opportunity to document the landmarks of their lives, their own personal “rites of passages”, and reflect on how their place in ...
While some are more harmful than others, they can all be seen as a violation of children's rights. This book examines the root causes and consequences of these practices.
For literary and women's studies, work on rites of passage provides spaces in which the representations of women's diverse experiences can be analyzed. Van Gennep and Turner's cross-cultural (even eclectic) range of material, ...
Moms, dads, and other perfectly placed adults have the unique opportunity to guide the teenagers in their life toward adulthood. This is not a privilege to be taken lightly, but neither is it an impossible task.
Case concerning Right of Passage over Indian Territory ( Merits ) , ( declaration by Judge Basdevant ) , I.C.J. Reports 1960 , pp . 48-49 . 204. Now , it cannot but be recognized that , apart from the fact that the frontiers of the ...
Because of the generic nature of the material, the book can be used by other mailine churches as well.