First Published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
ICKWORTH ( SUFFOLK ) , NATIONAL TRUST George William Hervey , 2nd Earl of Bristol Gore List 1969 ; Holdaway 1998 no.94 ; List 2000 . Lady Emily Caroline Nassau Hervey Gore List 1969 ; Holdaway 1998 no.91 as attrib .
... Dictionary of Sporting Artists , 1650–1990 , 3rd edition , 2 vols , Woodbridge , Suffolk : Antique Collectors ' Club , 1995 Witt Library , A Checklist of Painters , C.1200–1994 , Represented in the Witt Library , Courtauld Institute ...
Iliad of Homer (Pope), 172 Illinois, 40 Illustrated Bartsch, 170 The Illustrated Bartsch (Bartsch), 192 Illustrated Bartsch (Strauss and Spike), 193 Illustrated Bookof Signs and Symbols (Bruce-Mitford), 165 Illustrated Catalogueof ...
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