An international team of contributors examine best practice in doctoral education, covering key topics including: what doctoral study in nursing involves the roles of the student, the supervisor, the awarding institution the doctoral process quality monitoring funding for doctoral education and research models of international exchange postdoctoral study. This book is an indispensable source of reference for doctoral students and their mentors, wherever they are pursuing their research.
According to Grace ( 1989 ) : Those coming from the natural sciences had been trained in a research - mentorship process in which research is learned through doing . Those trained in behavioral science fields were familiar with ...
Issues in Graduate Nursing Education
Review of Research in Nursing Education, Volume VI
Building teams, creating trust, and dispelling the leadership myths that Glasgow and Weinstein address will all take time, commitment and perseverance on the leader's part. Most importantly, the leader must be willingly to delegate and ...
At once scholarly and warm, the style of this book makes it a must-read for nurses who aspire to careers of importance and leadership.
This text covers potential roles of the DNP graduate, including leader, clinician, educator, ethical consultant, and health policy advocate.
This book also discusses the various roles of the DNP prepared advanced practice nurse including researcher, health policy advocate and nurse leader.
Consumer's Guide to Doctoral Degree Programs in Nursing
The authors of this book are experienced supervisors and advisors to doctoral students and together, have well over 100 successful doctoral completions and more than 1000 publications.