Shamanism is one of the earliest and farthest-reaching magical and religious traditions, vestiges of which still underlie the major religious faiths of the modern world. The function of the shaman is to show his or her people the unseen powers behind the mere appearances of nature, as experienced through intuition, in trance states, or during ecstatic mystical visions. Shamans possess healing powers, communicate with the dead and the world beyond, and influence the weather and movements of hunting animals. The psychological exaltation of shamanism trance states is similar to the ecstasies of Yogis, Christian mystics and dervishes. Shamanism: An Introduction traces the development of shamanism in its many fascinating global manifestations. Looking at shamanic practices from Siberia to China and beyond, it provides an accessible guide to one of the world's most ancient, notorious and frequently misrepresented spiritual traditions. Placing special emphasis on the climate, geographic and cultural pressures under which shanic customs arose and continue to be observed, Margaret Stutley summarizes and clearly explains the logic of a faith whose fantastical elements hold a special place in popular imagination.
This inspirational book blends elements of shamanism with inherited traditions and contemporary religious commitments.
New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam. 382. Vaughan-Lee, F. (Ed.). (1995). Traveling the path of love: Sayings of the Sufi masters. Inverness, CA: Golden Sufi Center. 383. Vitebsky, P. (1995/2001). Shamanism and the rigged marketplace.
The foundational work on shamanism now available as a Princeton Classics paperback Shamanism is an essential work on the study of this mysterious and fascinating phenomenon.
An in-depth look at the role of plant spirits in shamanic rituals from around the world • Shows how shamans heal using their knowledge of plant spirits as well as the plant’s “medical properties” • Explores the core methods of ...
From the snowscapes of Siberia to the jungles of the Amazon, this book explores the role of the shaman as a healer mediating between the world of the living and the world of the spirits. 250 illustrations, many in color. 25 maps.
Hallucinogens and Shamanism
When they came for the ghe-wa, they went to Wangchuk's son Tilley's wife's parents' house and brought her back, as she had been separated from him. Further, they expressed care and concern about Tilley's future, ...
Publisher description
Shamanism for Beginners concludes with a thoughtful, empowering look at how shamanic practices can help restore balance and peace to our lives and the earth.
Explores the shamanic themes of altered states of perception; integrative wholeness of mind, body, soul and spirit; and transformative “healing” approaches and explains how a therapist can effectively integrate these into his or her ...