New Religious Movements (NRMs) can involve vast numbers of followers and in many cases are radically changing the way people understand and practice religion and spirituality. Moreover, many are having a profound impact on the form and content of mainstream religion. The Encyclopedia of New Religious Movements provides uniquely global coverage of the phenomenon, with entries on over three-hundred movement from almost every country in the world. Coverage includes movements that derive from the major religions of the world and to neo-traditional movements, movements often overlooked in the study of NRMs. In addition to the coverage of particular movements there are also entries on topics, themes, key thinkers and key ideas, for example the New Age Movement, Neo-Paganism, New Religion and gender, NRMs and cyberspace, NRMs and the law, the Anti-Cult Movement, Swedenborg, Jung, Teilhard de Chardin, Lovelock, Gurdjieff, al-Banna, Qutb. The marked global approach and comprehensiveness of the encyclopedia enable an appreciation of the innovative energy of NRMs, of their extraordinary diversity, and the often surprising ways in which they can propagate geographically. The most ambitions publication of its sort, the Encyclopedia of New Religious Movements is a major addition to the reference literature for students and researchers of the field in religious studies and the social sciences. Entries are cross-referenced with short bibliographies for further reading. There is a full index.
The Encyclopedia of New Religious Movements provides global coverage of the phenomenon, with entries on over three hundred movements from almost every country in the world.
This book gives readers a comprehensive map of the significant religious and spiritual groups functioning in today's world, especially in the West. It is written by specialists but with the...
A comprehensive and authoritative guide to 200 new religions, sects and alternative spiritualities functioning in today's world
In 1990 he was removed from office by the order's board of directors and charged with embezzling $3.5 million. ... Rosicrucian Manual. ... Rosicrucian Questions and Answers, with a Complete History of the Rosicrucian Order.
"Brief synopses of more than 30 influential groups, including the Integral Yoga Institute, Tibetan Buddhism, and the Human Potential movement, are also covered. Each major group is contrasted with traditional...
Second , as the self is connected to understandings of ritual ( Flanagan 1996b ) , issues of authenticity will emerge in ... J. Huizinga , Homo Ludens ( London : Routledge , 1949 ) ; G. Lewis , Day of Shining Red ( Cambridge : Cambridge ...
D. hlotet, “Identity Crisis,” in Encyclopedia ofPsycho/ogy, ed. by Raymond Corsini, vol. 2, p. 203. 41. See, for instance, W. W. Meisner, ... For a discus— sion on Shaws view see Richard hl. Waugaman, “Religion—The Last Taboo,” ...
This reference guide is designed to provide information about all active cults and sects throughout the world, including religious movements that your students might come into contact with or want to know about.
We address only the social science typological use here. From a social science perspective, cults differ from both churches/denominations and sects in several important ways. Cults are “culture writ small,” the product of either ...
Aga Khan I (1800–81) received the designation from the shah of Persia in 1817. Later he rebelled against one of the shah's successors and immigrated to India. There he assisted British military efforts and won British favor.