Urban Planning and Cultural Identity reviews the intense spatiality of conflict over identity construction in three cities where culture and place identity are not just post-modernist playthings but touch on the raw sensibilities of who people define themselves to be. Berlin as the reborn German capital has put 'coming to terms with' the Holocaust and the memory of the GDR full square at the centre of urban planning. Detroit raises questions about the impotence and complicity of planners in the face of the most extreme metropolitan spatial apartheid in the United States and where African-American identity now seems set on a separatist course. In Belfast, in the clash of Irish nationalist and Ulster unionist traditions, place can take on intense emotional meanings in relation to which planners as 'mediators of space' can seem ill equipped. The book, drawing on extensive interview sources in the case study cities, poses a question of broad relevance. Can planners fashion a role in using environmental concerns such as Local Agenda 21 as a vehicle of building a sense of common citizenship in which cultural difference can embed itself?
The final Belfast chapters deal with urban planning and the 'selling of the city'. Set alongside the paper by Schneider on place promotion in Berlin we see two cities grappling with questions of cultural identity and pluralism and ...
- This issue features three essays and eleven projects that discuss how cultural identity and social responsibility can be embodied within architecture and space design - The three essays, separately, introduce the social situations in ...
This book covers a broad range of topics relating to architecture and urban design, such as the conservation of cities’ culture and identity through design and planning processes, various ideologies and approaches to achieving more ...
However, this heritage has been affected over the years due to multiple causes which has resulted in a notable exclusion of basic services and the decrease of cultural identity spaces in the urban development of Babahoyo.
Planning and Applications in the Information Era Yigitcanlar, Tan, Velibeyoglu, Koray, Baum, Scott. Dvir, R. (2003). ... Architecture and identity in a globalized world. ... Urban planning and cultural identity. London: Routledge.
Lun zhongguo lifang zhi de bengkui: yi Tang Chang'an yu Song Dongjing weili (The collapse of the wall of lifangs: the case of Chang'an in Tang Dynasty and Dongjing in song Dynasty). ... Liang, J. and Sun, H. 2003.
This book is published in association with the Global Planning Education Association Network (GPEAN), and the nine planning school associations it represents, who have selected these papers based on regional competitions.
Promoting image and identity in Cultural Quarters: The Case of dundee. Local Economy, 20(3), 280–293. McCarthy, j. (2006b). Regeneration of Cultural Quarters: Public art for Place image or Place identity? Journal of Urban Design, 11(2), ...
Cultural Identity and Urban Development in South East Asi
(Source: ISOCARP, 2009; Cezary Skórka/www. skyscrapercity. com) Metropolitan character: imagery, identity and governance As a result of analysing natural, cultural, geographic and know-how imagery (Fig. 3), the following recommendations ...