Policy debates are often grounded within the conceptual confines of a state-market dichotomy, as though the two existed in complete isolation. In this innovative text, Marc Allen Eisner portrays the state and the market as inextricably linked, exploring the variety of institutions subsumed by the market and the role that the state plays in creating the institutional foundations of economic activity. Through a historical approach, Eisner situates the study of American political economy within a larger evolutionary-institutional framework that integrates perspectives in American political development and economic sociology. This volume provides a rich understanding of the complexity of U.S. economic policy, explaining how public policies become embedded in bureaucracy and reinforced by organized beneficiaries and public expectations. This path-dependent layering process helps students better understand the underlying historical dynamics, which provide a clearer sense of the constraints faced by policymakers now and in the future. The revisions to the second edition include: Complete rewrite of the chapter on the recent financial crisis, adding in commentary on the debt ceiling, the fiscal cliff, and other recent events. New material added and existing material updated in the chapter discussing the two welfare states. Extensive updates to the coverage of the global economy Expanded and updated discussion of Obama’s economic policies. Updates to figures and data throughout the text.
This chapter extends my earlier work on the United States in Douglas A. Hibbs, Jr., with Douglas Rivers and Nicholas Vasilatos, "On the Demand for Economic Outcomes: Macroeconomic Performance and Mass Political Support in the United ...
This book offers an analytical explanation for the origins of and change in property institutions on the American frontier during the nineteenth century.
Foster. Coordination. So far, the discussion on the development of a policy framework has remained within the realm of public institutions. This is insufficient, as industrial policies, by definition, are aimed at the business sector.
This book synthesizes politics and economics by stressing the Republican party's role as a developmental agent in national politics, the primacy of the three great developmental policies (the gold standard, the protective tariff, and the ...
Available at http:// www.bls.gov/news.release/tenure.t01.htm. ... “Quick Data: College Going Rates and Student Migration.” 2010. ... Reputation and Power: Organization Image and Pharmaceutical Regulation at the FDA.
Radicalism in the States will interest students of economic protest, of national policy-making, of interest-group politics and party politics.
Why have the parties become so polarized and how has polarization influenced economic policy? This book provides an introduction to the contemporary political economy of the United States.
This interpretation has been suggested by Bresser Pereira , who believes the campaign was an indication of the collapse of the alliance formed by state enterprises and private national and multinational firms , a collapse that began ...
PHILLIPS,. JEFFREY. A. SMITH. In his book The Responsible Electorate V. O. Key went against the dominant trend of voting ... Majority Party in Disarray: Policy Polarization in the 1972 Election, by Arthur H. Miller, Warren E. Miller, ...
This text presents a broad overview of the American political economy, focusing on changing patterns of state-economy relations in the course of the past century.