Land Law Reform in East Africa reviews development and changes in the statutory land laws of 7 countries in Eastern Africa over the period 1961 – 2011. The book is divided into two parts. Part 1 sets up the conceptual framework for consideration of the reforms, and pursues a contrast between transformational and traditional developments; where the former aim at change designed to ensure social justice in land laws, and the latter aim to continue the overall thrust of colonial approaches to land laws and land administration. Part 2 provides an in-depth and critical survey of the land law reforms introduced into each country during the era of land law reform which commenced around 1990. The overall effect of the reforms has, Patrick McAuslan argues, been traditional: it was colonial policy to move towards land markets, individualisation of land tenure and the demise of customary tenure, all of which characterise the post 1990 reforms. The culmination of over 50 years of working in this area, Land Law Reform in East Africa will be invaluable reading for scholars of land law, and of law and development more generally.
"Introduction: The conceptual framework of the paper; PART 1: From c.1961 to c.1990:Chapter 1: An overview of the land laws at independence; Chapter 2: 1961 - c.1990: The lack of any land reform; Chapter 3: Two case studies from this era; ...
49 Government of Botswana (n 18 above); C Fourie 'Land readjustment for peri-urban customary tenure: the example of Botswana' in R Home & H Lim (eds) Demystifying the mystery of capital (2004) 31-49; C Molebatsi 'Botswana: ...
... Reform in Eastern Africa: Traditional or Transformative?: A critical review of 50 years of land law reform in ... Law Reform in Eastern Africa: Traditional or Transformative?: A critical review of 50 years of land law reform in Eastern ...
The Politics of Land Reform in Africa casts a critical spotlight on this profound change in African land economy. The book illuminates the key role of legislators, legal consultants and academics in tenure reform.
Annotated bibliography on land tenure and agrarian reform in Africa and the Middle East.
This book is a collection of essays honouring and engaging with the work of the late Professor Patrick McAuslan.
Why has legislation failed to address long standing grievances about grossly unequal land distribution? This important book suggests that questions of justice should be central to discussions of African land reform.
Explores the limits of law in changing unequal land relations in Kenya.
This collection examines women's land rights in East Africa in the context of land tenure reforms and privatization.
plain that any critical comments that I have of the book on land law are not directed at the industry or acumen of ... the other principal such book Maudsley and Burn's Land Law Cases and Materials, which was first published in 1967.